Monday 15 October 2012

How to Identify Breast Cancer

Breast cancer claims the lives of thousands of women each year. In the last two decades breast cancer raised the commonest mortal violence of malignancy. The incidence of breast cancer is 6 time higher in developed countries than the developing countries. Breast cancer is a malignant growth that begins in the tissues of the breast. Over the course of a lifetime, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

In here we will provide a closer look about the symptoms, risk factors, prevention and for best cancer.

Breast Cancer – What are the Symptoms?

Since symptoms of breast cancer are not easily noticeable in its early stages. If you perform a monthly self breast exam, you can notify the changes.
Some risk factor for breast cancer :

we are want to notified our new follower, that in our early-er post we were described the all risk factor about breast cancer ,so please follow the link to know about risk factor for breast cancer.
 Symptoms and signs of breast cancer can include:

Swelling of the breast or swelling in the lymph nodes
If your breast is warm or hot to the touch this can be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer
Continuous pain in nipple with sudden relive
Persistent tenderness of the breast
Discharge from the nipple can be clear or bloody
Lumps in the breast, no matter how small
Breast itching
Dimpled breast skin
A red, blotchy breast that may have a rash-like appearance is possible symptom of inflammatory breast cancer

Breast Cancer Prevention and Diet:

Are you know obesity can be reduces breast cancer probability by hormonal retardation. That means some food, that related with some hormonal factor can also be reduce the breast cancer tendency.

So we will provide a right diet list that could reduce your risk of getting breast cancer by up to 50%.

Include fiber containing rich food in your daily diet, such as whole-grain breads and cereals, can help lower the amount of prolactin and estrogen. They are bind with this hormones and flushing them out of the body.
Intake every day some vegetable rich in vitamin A, such as carrots, squashes, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens, as spinach and collard and mustard greens, can be reduce breast cancer tendency. It is thought that vitamin A inhibits the formation of cancer-causing mutations & this type of vegetable increase the release of protective enzyme.
Cutting out heavy fat containing food from your daily diet list, it can be reduce your breast cancer tendency.

Mainly rediation and chemo therapy is used for the treatment of breast cancer but today many alternative cancer treatment is availabel in our medical system,so didn't lead your life in a panic condition.

Always remember that prevention is better than cure so fallow our prevention rule to stay healthy.

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1 Responses to “ How to Identify Breast Cancer ”

Institute of Health Sciences said...
3 May 2022 at 13:01

BPT course is the branch of health care where the practitioners are taught to give physical treatment like exercises, massages, counseling and others.
The students who are studying for this bachelors in physiotherapy will get the option to learn about the core physiotherapeutic skills, electro-physical modalities and others.

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